Training materials

Welcome to your new Baxter dialysis system.
On this site, you will find all of the material necessary to get you set-up and ready to use either the Baxter AK 98 dialysis system or the Baxter Artis Physio Plus dialysis system.

AK98 Training material
If you have recently received the AK 98 dialysis system and require training material, please follow the link below.

Artis Physio Plus Training material
If you have recently received the Artis Physio Plus dialysis system and require training material, please follow the link below.

Our Therapies
We are firmly committed to supporting patients and their healthcare providers across the entire continuum of care - from acute kidney injury to end-stage chronic kidney disease.
Our clinically effective solutions help ensure smooth transitions for patients as they sequence through different treatment steps.

The experiences of our patients propels our quest to provide effective and accessible therapies to the patients that need them most, and push renal care to its next horizon.
You can read stories from patients who have been empowered to live fuller, safer, and happier lives - as well as the family members, doctors and caretakers who been a part of their treatment journeys.